Belmont.... *drool*

October 31 2005
yeah, i went to Belmont Saturday morning for a "preview day" to learn about the school and check out the campus and stuff... i kinda really wanna go there but i don't kno if i can afford it, let alone get in!>.< i'm gonna check out MTSU too but bleah.... -_- i'd rather go to Belmont at the moment.... i even got a Belmont School of Music shirt while i was there and i carry my lil Belmont packet w/ me everywhere lol i'm such an over obsessed nerd ^^ well, leave remarks! ciao!

Kylie Boy

October 31 2005
lol, it's ok...I do the same thing (only not with Belmont).


October 31 2005
Just some advice if you are going to be a music major at mtsu or belmont... im a voice performance major at mtsu and unless you only want to be a classical singer then i would defenetely go to belmont. MTSU is so closed minded to anything else besides classical music. good luck.

Matt Beck

October 31 2005
aw, i love you kelly dutton

Aaron Massey

October 31 2005
hey nerds are always cool in my book.. i really hope you get to go there, sounds like it would be just right for you if you can. see you in class... had a lot of fun tonight, peace! aaron m.