Kyle Commander
Relationship Status
Siegel High School
Playing guitar, skateboarding, electronics, hanging out
Favorite Music
Too much to name...i'm WAY to lazy to name all the bands i like...most music though. don't like pop...don't like country.
Favorite Movies
i like comedies (stupid or smart), horror films, Tim Burton films, movies that make you think...and some pretty messed up movies
Favorite Books
i'm not much of a reader, but Harry Potter is the shit, haha. me = nerd
Other Websites
Cranium owns!!
November 30 2005
well's time for another moment for us to take a look at the life of Kyle...haha. i just got back from a friend of mine's house, JR. it was fun. most of the people we work with got together and played a big game of Cranium. it was pretty intense! haha. lots of yelling and screaming...we're a loud bunch, haha. it was a lot of fun.
other than working and going to school. my life has been pretty humdrum. droning on and on with my everyday stuff, computer, and music, and friends when i get the chance. haha. but hopefully all of that will spark up soon with the coming of the holidays. i can't wait. haha. still gotta Christmas shop...oh joy! haha. that's all. everyone have a good and safe evening.