everybody's workin' for the weekend

October 30 2005

Song of the day: "Hold Me" by Weezer

well, this weekend was a good one. friday night i went to work and then the game...we won..thank goodness...Blackman's team isn't too hot this year...but it's a win none-the-less. haha. after that we all went to Will's house for his birthday party. it was fun. we all sat around the fire and chilled. good times. we had his mom's french toast in the morning...GOOD stuff. haha. i worked that night and after work i went to Starbucks with miss Rebekah Minor. that was cool. then we went back to her house and watched Donnie Darko...i love that movie. and she actually liked it too. that was cool...most people i've showed it too haven't liked it cuz it's so weird...haha. but yeah...and i worked today and then hung out with Greer, Tyler, and Mark for a while. played some croquet and came home. good weekend...now i'm gonna go read a bit and chill. have a good evening everyone.


Aaron Massey

October 30 2005
kyles the man. hey sometime i'd love to hear some guitar tracks you have.. if you have happened to record any. peace, bud.