Jak Barnes


Tuesday 1/9/07

January 09 2007

First blog, fun stuff.  My username (and name as far as phusebox is concerned) is Jak Barnes.  Actually that really isn't my name.  You see, there have been reports of potential and current employers that would actually go far enough to google your own name to find out information.  So, Jak Barnes is my alias.  My name, if you must know, is the initials of Jak Barnes, and just the initials.  Co-workers call me James Bond, I guess I really can't complain about that nickname, I've had worse.  Anyway, someone recommended phusebox to me a while ago and I just thought I would give it a shot, so here goes, on with my tuesday. 

Tuesday started just as any other day would.  I woke up, took a shower, ate a couple of slices of cold leftover supreme works pizza for breakfast, and off to work I went, fighting the traffic filled with homicidal behavoired drivers, such a tranquility.  Work is boring, I sit in a cubicle all day moving money around, so to save mine and your sanity, I'll skip the part about work.  For the past few days, I've been stopping by my mom's house to lay flooring, so tonight after work I rewarded myself by taking in a hockey game.  I went to the game by myself, which I like better in a way.  I didn't used to.  In the past, I would never go by myself, I had my hockey buddy to always go with me, he was my dad. Between now and then I don't have a dad anymore.  So now I go by myself.  Sure it's lonely but it's also peaceful in a way.  So I sat back enjoying my newly born tradition of eating ice cream while watching hockey, and we won.  Now I'm here, back home in my apartment, ready to sleep and start another day at work. 
