Megan Sewak


Relationship Status





March 01 2006

someone stole my camra yesterday><

yes it sucks....

other then that i made good grades

yep yep


February 27 2006
blah blah i am sooo bored


February 26 2006

hey everyone

how is everyone one this sunday?



February 25 2006


February 24 2006

man i am bored

went to the dairy queen yep that was fun well i am out


February 23 2006

2 weeks untill i leave to go up north for the weekend


February 22 2006

i think i am on crack or something cuz i am real hyper and bored at the same time

boredum + hyperness= being stupid

funny but yet stupid thing that happen to me today

February 21 2006

today me and my friend were walking into the locker room and me and her look at our locker for gym and our locks were missing from the lockers.......

yes it seems stupid but it's funny for me tho

well i had my gym stuff in my locker.... yeah and thats the funny part

gym shit and shorts or the lock??


February 19 2006

well i am soooo bored right now.... no one it is up right now but me but oh wellz i can deal w/ it nothing new...... yep yep i am going soo later


hang out w/ my best friends/sisters

February 18 2006

back from kaylah's

it was awesome had soooooooooooo much fun hung out w/ kaci and kaylah goofed around talked and shit... watch the ring which kaylah and kaci were being pethedic(sp?) hehehe watched 28 days later and fell a sleep.. sleep for like 3-ish hours the rat, kaylah has, woke me and kac up @ like 4:40 then light sleep from 5:00-7:00 talked some more listen to some music sooo yeah it was lik good old times... hehehe had the best cake ^^

       kaci and kaylah will always be my buddies


February 17 2006

watching a movie w/ kay

yay for movies

went to food lion....

yep yep later



February 16 2006

hey everyone,

             tomorrow is an half day yay!!!!! woot woot!!!! i am sooo happy!!!

           nothing new

                          other then kay being made at ashley>> and not me sooo yeah well i am out



February 14 2006

happy v-day(scince i am too lazy to type it out right now)

 well i am out

                presidant megan


February 13 2006

we got out for "snow"

<--not this kinda snow

but snow... lol srry but rutherford county is weird...

only reason for we got out was for the black ice..... but oh well it make me happy tho


February 12 2006

i own ed wood now

i loveth movies and tim burton's movies



February 12 2006

shit i lost all my photos on photobuckit

photobuckit sucks!!!!


the mall and the snow

February 11 2006

wow it's snowing pretty good lol for murfreesboro... lol me love snow....

well went to the mall last night here wat happen

mall and hang out
 got to see the whole group...yep the whole group
jon, kace,donald, tony,elizibeth,kaylah,lo,ley, audrey, and joey
saw one of my old friends, and austin
and met ben
tried on dress
had a cookie and soda
got a new wallet
got yelled at for seating on the floor(wtf?)
went in to some stores and shit soo yeah
and got yelled at in hot topic for taking pictures
and oh yeah saw leelon(sp?)
me and kaylah have an agreement.....

yep thats what happen nothing new

well i am out sooooooo later



February 10 2006

well going to the mall



February 09 2006

2 hour delay.....

now school could be out i would be very happy person

and and it would make my day better so yeah

but i am still happy for the twohour delay^^

here is a poem i just thought of

February 08 2006

i gave you my heart and my world,
you gave nothing back to me in return
i just thought it mean something
but it always ends the same way
as i would predicted
i gave you my life, my hope, and my happiness
still you didnt give anything back to me
i cried for you
i died for you
i live for you
i hope for you
i was there for you
and you still treated me like i was insane
i wanted you to know how i felt for you 
and how much i loved you
instead of give you rose or two
i am give you what i truly think
so have a fucking god damn bad valentines day