Megan Sewak


Relationship Status




if you believe in ghost read this

January 08 2006

**this might make you think i am crazy**

ok....i went to kaylah(this not the crazy part yet) and me and her decided to see what was in the dirty monds in her woods..we looked over to where the huge house were and saw the scary house had some lights we go over and check it out.. there was a lil girl in the window..she did move soo we hopped over the fience to get a closer look at we were coming back and we started to hear we stop.. as soon as i stoped we heard a key chain thingy(more like two keys hitting each other) so we took off.. we were freaking out so her two sister and two of her middle sister's friend came back there w/ us... we didnt hear anything..i might had heard some foot steps... then kaylah saw some blue dots things she took some pictures of  the woods..their was 4 blue dot thingys..freaky eh? yeah well my dad thinks we are crazy and her parents think we are crazy too >> great well later
