Megan Sewak


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dooom doom doom and a poem i worte

December 04 2005

yesterday was boring, sigh... oh well... mum nothing new so yeah now i give you guys a poem

 Broken down by hits and yells:
The people who hove to
live in a house
where they get hit
where they get yelled at
they cry, they have the  bruised
to show how their parent hurt them
they dont know how it feels
to be loved
they been broken down
so many times
they dont have a great life
b/c their parents really dont care
they try so many thing to get out and away
from the yelling and the hitting from their parents
they wish they had parents
that cared for them
they wish they could have someone
to talk about it
they dont know how much it would help
they want somone to give them hope
and to puch them forward in life