first draft

November 14 2005

$100 bill illustration

Movie Clip


Why are we in college right now? Why is there a sense of
need to go to college to attain a job description with a bigger pay check? Why
is money so important to us? Why do we do what we do for money? We live in a
world that revolves around money - that is why. Without money this world would
supposedly fall apart. This world says that money is the most important thing
in life. This world says that money is what brings us happiness. The world says
without money we will starve and not live in comfort. The world says we should
gain money so we can eat, drink, and be marry. The world revolves around money.
Why do people buy into these lies? We as Christians are called to a higher
calling. We are no longer the world’s, we are God’s people. You see, we have
been tricked into thinking being blessed = God is happy with what we are doing.
There is story after story of godly people suffering and not being “blessed” in
our eyes. God cares more about what we do for him while we are here than what
we can accomplish while here. Take care, protect yourself against the least bit
of greed. Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot. The
man in this story was letting greed for money get in the way of his
relationship with his brother. This man was missing the whole point of life. He
was tricked by the devil into not realizing the real meaning in life. Many ask
“what is the meaning of life?” I say it is to love God and to love others. Or
in short – relationships. We so often sacrifice both of these by giving our
time and energy trying to attain comfort in this world. We go to work every day
using the time God has blessed us with to gain more money. Why? When we die
what good will it do? Fool! Tonight you die. And your barn full of goods – who
gets it? Why then do we so easily loose sight of what really matters for the
sake of gaining wealth and comfort? You see the devil packages this idea of God
wanting only the best for his children in such an appealing package. We are
tricked into thinking what is “best” is what God wants. But what defines
“best?” You see that is where the devil has tricked us. We so often are tricked
into thinking what we think is best must be at least close to what God wants.
But that view is so tainted by the world and its standards that we can be so
farm from what God wants and not even realize it. You see God KNOWS what will
ultimately make us happy. He sees the whole eternal picture. He knows that the
only thing that will matter when we die is the relationships we had. Love God,
love others. So then it is important to shake off the devils schemes and wake
up to what God has shown us. It is not wrong to have money. In fact, money can
be used to further God’s will. But we should be extremely careful because the
devil uses this to twist our views and make us miss God’s will completely thinking
we have it figured out. Ultimately all of this comes down to personal searching
with God. There is no straight answer to how we should attain and use money.
This is a song describing a man that has missed that point in life and has
continued to chase down that American dream and missed what life was. I hope
and truly pray that I will not fall into the same trap the devil has set for
me. I pray that God will keep me focused enough on him and his words that I
will not be deceived by the devil. When I play this song listen to the words
and re-examine what your views are about money.

Rachael Moore

November 15 2005
wow! jonathan that is awesome! wow. that is really good! i could keep saying wow all day... but i am gonna stop... wow... now...

Bethany Bratcher

November 15 2005
sounds good Jonathan!