going way too fast

September 13 2005
one week into my leave. saw the family and most of my friends so far. keith has disappeared off the face of the earth, and cassie needs to pick up her phone. hanging out w/ gage and cody at greyfriars. i love chattanooga. every time i come here i like it more and more. may just have to stay here for awhile, like a few years. i dread going back more than i've dreaded just about anything in my life. trying not to think about it. mojo burrito is calling my name. gotta go.


September 13 2005
i think keith moved in with his mom. he and kori are done - that's all i know. and my phone is BROKEN :( but i will try to call you tomorrow. and what the heck is mojo burrito? UGH. hello?? CAMINO!?! :) glad you're home. wish you could stay.