another voice inside my mind

August 29 2005
5 days until i go home!!!
hopefully the sun won't have fried my brain completely by then.
i miss going to church. i've been to church like three times in the past 16 months. army service is a joke. a couple general songs and then catholic communion. not even worth going to. i guess it's really up to me to keep myself right but the encouragement of like believers always helps. the longer i go the more i seem to slip. 3 months or so and i'll be home for good. then i can have all the church i want.
how many things i've taken for granted in my life. my prayer is to not let this happen.

listening to G.Love: The Hustle

Hope Anderson

August 29 2005
gosh, i know that personally i struggle just between services.. i can't imagine over a year. that's rough. i'll be praying for you!

Matt Beck

September 01 2005
G. LOVE is the MAN