fatigue takes it

August 19 2005
have u ever been tired to the point where nothing bothers u at all? no matter what happens it just all seems hilarious. i've reached that state and quite frankly it works for me. i ended up having to pull another shift right after my last very frustrating day. this propelled me into a state of exhaustion just prior to hallucination. i almost don't wanna go to sleep because this overwhelming state of apathy is the best i have felt in awhile. i'm sure i'll be passed out w/ in 2 minutes tho. i just finished reading The Five People you Meet in Heaven. good book. Mitch Albom's books always capture my interest. he also wrote Tuesday's with Morrie which is a really good book. they read almost like a fiction novel but it's all true. i think that's all for now. my head is getting heavy.


August 20 2005
I read Five People... a couple months ago....loved it.