thats a negative on school.. i hate it.

August 16 2005
life is insane..

between ap classes, twice a day cc practices, and dbs..
i barely have time to breathe.

dbs meetings are every sunday.
but i worked it out where i only have to go every other sunday.
but that still means i can only go to samson sisterhood once every two weeks.
makes me really sad.

my classes.. eh they're okay.. mac's will be amazing of course.
media production is the only class i really really love.

cant wait til tomorrow night.
im ready for church. i need my youth group.

im so tired.
but i love ya'll.

Christopher Horne

August 16 2005
AP US isn't terrible, but I wish the class was smaller. And I wish we could actually sit together in General Music. At least we've got classes together though. :-)

kelsey shearron

August 23 2005
i looove you emmy...i need you!!! well as my youth group and my daddy Jesus! This going to be one heck of a hard year and i cant imagine what it is like for you with the cross country added ontop of everything else we are involved in...dont loose hope tho...GOd has a plan for every season in your life..look on the bright side!...uhm..not sure what that is right now...ha...but anyways em, i love you so so much and its hard enough not seein you at school ill call you sometime tonight!-kels

Kaylie Dulaney

August 27 2005
awww...i'm sry christopher is so far away from us...that sucks, he's the only one not in the group....i love you emily!! you rock...especially with the goldfish....remember, bring a big box, give one to everybody/"sharing with the class" and the rest is yours!! kales