Chelsea Forstel


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


May 13 2006

     So... >>> my weekend has been great so far.  :D  I've done NOTHING but smoke out w/ Felisha, Hannah, Jaleah and Jinny.  :D  *I love those girls SO much* :D  omg... >>> no wait... we went swimming today... omg... the water was SO fucking COLD!!!!!!!  *my nipples hurt SO bad*  omg... >>> "POTHEADS CAN'T LIE!"  (lol) <<< that's from Felisha earlier today... (she says that a lot when she's high).  omg... >>> we've been high since last nite... oh man... and then we were fuckin BLAZED!!!!!!!  omg... >>> Jordan and Ronnie came over to smoke w/ us, too (but only Jordan smoked anything) and this motherfucker was fuckin GONE by like 4 hits.  and man... >>> he had those good hits, too.  *is jealous* (lol)  the rest of us didn't get high until WAY later b/c we were waitin for Jaleah... (except for Ronnie)
     There were some things that happened that I'd like to put on here... but I can't.  So... >>> I'll put up what I did so everyone can still get a good laugh... (lol)  I made out w/ Hannah T.  *uh!!!!!* Anycows... >>> I guess I'm out.  Take care, kids, and remember:  I don't smoke MARIJUANA or CIGARETTES... (lol)  I'm STRAIGHT!  (lol)  *inside joke* 

*one more thing: TRINA!  TRISHELLE!  TRISHA!*