
July 02 2005
it tis wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hot me and betsy are gonna go swimmin... very cool... don't have much to say... i finally figured out this whole phusebox thing... well here is a quote for all the cool ones, "If someone tries to show you a picture of their Ugliest Thing what are the chances you aren't going to look?" -Amandine (a novel)

Jane Woodard

July 02 2005
heh heh. it is very hot indeed

Brett Tenpenny

July 02 2005
sweet.... i have a pool..


July 02 2005
Christina Witt. You're absolutely correct, it is much too hot.

Rachel Tenpenny

July 05 2005
hmm.. that Ugliest Thing reminds me of a couple of times during aida when i saw a couple of ppl's ugliest things by no fault of my own. ::shudders:: lol