Hannah Coleman


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


May 23 2006

WHY WHY WHY......................................................................... Why is it so impossible!!! Why can we not, no matter how hard we try!!! Why can we never seem to be able to eat 10 saltine crackers in 1 minute withought taking a drink???   *tear*   *sniffle*  Will the day ever come when someone will stand up and proudly proclame " I CAN eat 10 saltine crackers in 1 minute withought taking a drink!!!"??? When and if that day comes, I will salute you. For you have achieved what I and other mere mortals can not...you will have done the impossible...

Garrett Haynes

May 23 2006
hmmm...what do u wanna bet i could do that


May 23 2006
LOL... wow...

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

May 23 2006
Best. Post. Ever.

Ashley Orman

May 23 2006
wow and ur my future roommate... we will spend our entire time together tryin to achieve this goal