"Does our guy exist?"

September 22 2005
So Aimee and I were/are having this conversation about what we want in a guy. Most of it's humorous stuff:

Sweetclick35: ok..we need to make a list
Sweetclick35: hands have to be same size or bigger
Da Annsta: bigger
Sweetclick35: feet- hairier and bigger or same size (ive got big feet)
Da Annsta: lol, me too
Da Annsta: face hair is a plus ((at least for me))
Sweetclick35: GOT to be same height or TALLLLLERRRR unless hes a tom cruise knockout pretty boy
Da Annsta: yeah
Da Annsta: no, at least same height
Da Annsta: i don't want to lean down to kiss him
Sweetclick35: his chest CANNOT be bigger than mine lol
Sweetclick35: theres some guys with boobs out there
Sweetclick35: and thats kinda freaky
Sweetclick35: hmm
Da Annsta: he can't mind having his picture taken
Sweetclick35: does our guys exist?
Da Annsta: because we take pictures
Da Annsta: we'll find out soon enough, lol

haha, yeah. we're nuts.


September 22 2005
Ha ha funny. I remember those conversations we used to have. Some people say Garrett looks like Tom Cruise... lol... but he's still taller than me. Hmmm... I may want to change the time on Saturday's pre-party shindig. Mom's staying home this weekend after all. I'll let you know for sure later.