
August 16 2006

 James tell us to consider it joy when we face trials. Why should we be joyful when we're right in the middle of a messy breakup? Why would we want to have joy when we learn of a lie that's been going on for six months? Who wants to express joy when we're breaking down in a mess of confusion and frustration?

Everytime we run to God with our pain and struggles, we strengthen our relationship with Him. Our perseverence through the struggles allows us to mature and be complete so that we lack nothing. That is why we should have joy.

God is preparing us for so many awesome things, and if we want it to be a perfect God written story, we HAVE to suffer. We HAVE to hurt. James doesn't say "IF you face trials", he says "WHENEVER you face trials".

When we are ready, God allows us to move to another chapter in our lives. There, once again, struggles will come up, tears will be shed, and doubts will arise. But we will have God. He is there to guide us through our story.

And then the words stop coming to mind. I guess that's all I was supposed to share. I'm sorry if it doesn't make senese. . . I was just sitting at my computer and suddenly God was like "Yeah, Anna. . . think back for a second. Yeah, you know the frustration you've felt? You know how you felt like your heart had been rippd out? That's all for a reason. You ran to Me though, you see? You ran to Me, and because of that you're being filled with more of Me. Remember James? '. . . mature and not lacking anything.' You're on that route. Keep on."

kelsey shearron

August 16 2006
thats awesome anna


August 17 2006
Good word.