
June 24 2006

So I'm having a conversation over AIM with Graham last night, and I'm right in the middle of saying that I wish I knew what God was doing and so on, when I decided to check my hotmail account. There was a message from a guy I don't know, and I started to delete it, but something told me to open it, so I did. It read:

"Faith's victory is not grounded in the act of believing but in the character and work of the One in whom we believe. We don't have to know all he knows -- we only have to trust that he knows. We don't have to be able to see all he sees -- we only have to gladly trust his vision. We don't have to morally achieve a certain standard -- we only have to trustingly commit to the standard to which he alone attained. He is our faith! His heart, his vision, his faith, his achievement -- these are the nature and essence of our faith and that is why our faith conquers the world (1 John 5:3-5)." Jim McGuiggan


June 25 2006
think you find some answers

Sara Shaban

June 25 2006
could we maybe get together real really like to talk.

Stephanie Renfroe

June 26 2006
I'm thinking we might have to ride around in it for at least a day! Oh, and Riddle comes home on Wednesday and then leaves the 5th. Just letting you know! :)


June 27 2006
I want to talk to you about something... maybe later tonight on AIM... it's not a big deal or anything just something on my mind. I'm glad you have new clothes! And... you and Aimee and I should hang out later this week... so are you spending Friday with your family? Well anyhow, just let me know and ttyl!

the brian king kenobi

June 27 2006
anna miller . . . i missed you so bad.