
June 08 2006

If our friends do something that isn't very wise, shouldn't we talk to them calmly about it rather than sit and blast them behind their backs for their actions?

What a concept.

Thoughts pertaining to my previous post:

As I was driving to Starbucks a couple of nights ago, Matthew West's More came on the radio. As I listened to the lyrics, "I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine. You are mine. . ." it hit me that God's intention is not to hurt me. Yes, He does things that causes our hearts to break, but ultimately it's for our own good. I may hurt right now, but it's going to be okay. No matter what happens. And I'm fine with that :)

On a different note, Karen ((who is my cousin for those of you who aren't aware)) and I hung out tonight. It was a blast. It's really neat to see how our relationship has changed and grown throughout our lives, and despite our differences in so many things, we're still able to connect on a level that doesn't exist between me and my friends. We laughed at the fact that we were starting to become very interested in bedsheets and the like when, ten years ago, it was always a shopping trip we despised with our mothers.

kelsey shearron

June 08 2006
good thoughts anna...i dont think God ever "does" things to us...but i definitely think that he allows things to happen to pull us closer to him..:-)....love you!- kels


June 09 2006
You're right... I guess it's easy to justify by saying "they wouldn't listen to me anyways". But I digress, I'm glad that you're accepting whatever God may allow to happen. It's a hard place to come to, and I have had to go there before and I'm sure I will have to again many times in my life concerning all sorts of things. And I totally know what you and your cousin mean about the bedsheets... ha ha...

kelsey shearron

June 10 2006
yep..96 is so awesome....lets make a group!