afraid of the natural?

March 09 2006

I think people are afraid to release themselves while singing to Jesus. I think this, because I know this to be true. I know this to be true because I used ((and am still working on not staying)) someone like this. Being raised in a church of Christ conditioned me to maintain a certain behavior while singing in church. Before I go any further, let me make sure this my readers understand that I am in no way putting the churches of Christ down. I'm a member of North Boulevard, and I love it. What I'm saying is that when many members of the CoC sing, there's no movement, there's no lifting of the hands, there's no passion. . . at least, that's what it feels like a lot of the time. I remember the first several times I went to Belle Aire the sight of people lifting their hands weirded me out. I didn't really understand why people did it. After several more visits to Belle Aire and going to a Passion concert, I realized that I couldn't help lifting my hands when I sang to Him. It just came naturally. I was flooded with worship, with His love, with His glory, and my arms would go up. That doesn't happen when I'm at church. This isn't to say that I have never worshipped like that in a CoC setting before-- there have been several times at True North and RFC that I have, but it's not as common. Why isn't it as common? It's not like it's some big sin to lift your arms to Christ-- heck, it's all over the Psalms. I don't know. I'm listening to a Passion cd and it got me thinking about all of this. We're made to worship Christ, that's why when we're so lost in Him that we lift our hands and sing with such fire and passion. We just can't help it. . .

Sara Shaban

March 09 2006
im glad you've confronted this.


March 10 2006
Sometimes it is harder to worship in some settings than in others. It shouldn't be, but it is. I have no problem worshipping God with everything in AO (well, for the most part) but at a Belle Aire church service on Sunday morning it's a different story...