I need you to know you can fall into me. . .

January 05 2006

<3 that song.

Mom and I got into a big ol' fight earlier. I said I was going to move out ((HA! Way to bluff)), she said she didn't care. I left and sat in my cold car for about ten minutes before coming back in to eat food she'd bought me. I ate, got on here, listened to music, calmed down, and now we're fine. Crazy how she and I work.

At first you may see clearly what God's will is-- the service of a friendship, the breaking off of a business relationship, or something you feel is distinctly God's will for you to do. But never act on impulse of that feeling.  If you do, you will cause difficult situations to arise which will take years to untangle. Wait for God's timing and He will do it without any heartache or disappointment.  When it is a question of the providential will of God, wait for God to move. -Oswald Chambers

I read that last night before going to bed. *Was hit by a ton of bricks*.

Oh yeah. . . I'm having severe issues with my phone. The sound won't work-- meaning, if you call, I can't hear you on the other side. If I call someone, I can't hear the ringing. If you leave a voicemail, I can't hear it. Text messaging IS working, so use that for right now. Or my house phone. If you need the number ((because like, no one has it)), then message me.


January 06 2006
My Hand In Yours by Explosions In the Sky made me feel better after this terrible week& last week. my week wasn't so bad after i saw jacob but did you hear what happened to our car? it's pretty bad. but i know where you come from with the i'm going to move out thing. i say that when i'm upset with mom... but i never do it. not yet anyway.


January 06 2006
wait.... it's Your Hand In Mine... what on earth was i thinking.


January 06 2006
Since when do you even have voicemail?

kelsey shearron

January 07 2006
mothers..a gift from God!..:-)