Becky Robinson


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In A Relationship


December 07 2005

Ok So one thing I do not like about phusebox already is that it seems to take a very long time uploading the pictures, and for some reason it won't let me roatate them.  Oh well I guess if you really want to look at them you can turn your monitor sideways, or your head I guess that would be easier.

No school tomorrow, whoohoo! Then I am making cookies with my 3:15 class kids, which should be a lot of fun. mmmm chocolate chip cookies, making my mouth water already. 18 more days until Christmas and I really hope I get enough money to buy the coat I want at Bink's, but oh well we will see.

Hope everyone has a great day off tomorrow who gets one.  Don't study too hard guys I think it can be damaging to the brain.

Love ya,

Laura Polis

December 08 2005
phusebox takes a long time to load your pics only b/c they are too large!