

Favorite Movies

The Notebook

Favorite Books

A Walk To Remember


August 01 2005
[x] they call me:Ashton
[x] also: Ash
[x] sex:female duh..
[x] my first breath of air: December 4th
[x] age: 14
[x] occupation: umm..student.
[x] best homegirl[s]: all of them..

[x] most memorable memory: theres alot.
[x] worst?: prolly when my parents did this whole divorce thing..
[x] first word uttered: i got NO idea.
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: patrick and mick..

[x] wedding: in the fall..outside..big wedding with lots of flowers and a big poofy dress.. OH AND A HOTT HUSBAND ;)
[x] children:umm..idk??
[x] looking forward : to school
[x] NOT looking forward to: umm..idk..havin to get up early again..

[x] feeling: BORED!
[x] Listening: grant talkin about some crazy thing he did..or somethin like that
[x] Talking: to scott and grant and lindsay
[x] doing: this survey
[x] craving: double fudge brownie ice cream yumm..
[x] thinking of: how crazy the stuff scott is sayin is..
[x] hating:umm..oo that its not tuesday..i gotta know what happens on real world lol im such a dork :)

[x] love is: fun..until it gets complicated lol
[x] first love: read the question down there..
[x] love or lust?: love
[x] best love song:umm..idk..
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: could be..
[x] when love hurts, you: try n get over it..
[x] true or false - all you need is love: could be both..
[x] have you ever been in love?: idk..maybe..idk if i know what love is yet..
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: ya..

[x] turn ons: a great smile.. easy to talk to..sense of humor..
[x] turn offs: when they get majorly the point where its obsessive..and thats not fun
[x] does your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: not really..i mean i dont want them to hate the guy..but if i like them they can get over it
[x] what kinda hair style?: depends on the guy..

[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?:lots of things..
[x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: oh idk it depends on the guy..
[x] dog or cat: dog
[x] short or long hair: on me long..guys..HOLLISTER MODEL HAIR!! lol
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: SuNsHiNe!!
[x] moon or sun:depends
[x] basketball or football: football
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: it all just depends lol
[x] tv or radio:radio fer sure..
[x] mc donalds or burger king: mcdonalds
[x] summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: written letters..i

Kelsey Mac

August 03 2005
yeah that picture is me isnt...well I only read half of that thing up to long for me but it looks good