
June 19 2005
im not goin 2 fun in the son!!! just dont have time!!

swim meet tomorrow... 50 free and 100 im will kill me!!! but i should do good in 50 brest!!

tuesday july 19 im havin surgery... on my vocal cords again... no biggie!!!


June 17 2005
yesterday was a crazy day!!! but im kinda not in the best of moods today... dont feel that great!! but we just got back from the car show thing and guess who was there and had a concert!!! LONESTAR!!! haha it was kinda boring till the concert started... but yea we might go 2 the lake 2moro... i hope so... i havent been on the lake yet this year!!!


June 17 2005
so yea i might start using this instead of xanga... or both... but i really hope today is a better day than yesterday!!! i love boot camp aerobics so hopefully that will be fun!!! lol then were goin out to eat at crackerbarrel then me and chelsey and maybe sum other ppl are goin to the breckenridge pool 2 lay out and swim!!! then im babysittin 2night... i dont really wanna go to swim practice so i dont think i am!!! haha