
October 22 2005

Today is absolutely Autumn. As have been the past few days. And I'm looking at the leaves no longer young and green and...y'know...I just don't remember seeing them change. When did the trees put on their fall hues, and why did I not notice? November is almost here, and I'm still stuck in summer. Too oblivious. Or perhaps too acutely aware.

And I'm looking at the people here, and I realize they're the worst kind of strangers - the kind of strangers who were friends in another life. When did they...we, I guess...learn to drive? When did we learn to work and party and fill out the applications that really matter? When did life become not just a run-through, but the real thing? Why is the future all of a sudden so close? And why am I the only one who seems to notice? I feel like Charlie from The Perks...the wallflower aspect of him, the part that observes. Y'know?

I've noticed that things seem to be so much easier for everyone not me. Granted, this is probably an unfair judgement. It's just...I keep tripping. Over the tiny details that are in no way consequential. But I trip over them and I stumble and I fall and I'm down for a while until you pick me back up and brush me off. But it keeps happening. I guess that's the problem with me...I get too hung up on all the details.

So when did Autumn get here? Why is it almost November? And why is this the first time I've noticed? 



October 23 2005
tie your laces