call me crazy

July 03 2005
I cant wait til Thursday. I mean I am just not sitting still at all. I mean alot of kids get homesick, I was never ever one of those children. I was/am always ready to get away from my house haha. not that it's awful but it's boring :/ Thursday I get to seeeee toby mac, kutless, third day, casting crowns, etc etc in ohio :] yessssss. & I finally got over my fear of heights so I will be going on alllllllll the rollercoasters in the amusement park. -sighs- haha.

random facts about me =]

i love dancing to hellogoodbye
i love chocolate & twislers
i love singing even if I suck, or do I?
i love scrapbooking
i love my God, he's amazing
i love talking
i want to go to ohio now!
i wanna take a roadtrip to california
i like boys :] heh heh
i love adventures with claire, my best friend everrrrrrrrrr
i love goin to look at the clouds
i love music more than my bed
i wanna be in a relationship, a good one
i want to go back to new york
i wish someone would whisk me away somewhere like in those cheesy romantic movies & kiss me
i love taking pictures
i love chapstick
i love my mr. leo
i like reading sad stories, ones that make me cry like a baby
i want to meet wil ferrel [sp?]
i also want to meet tom cruise :] hahah
i want a car, so I can drive fast. lol
i want to hangout with claire or joshua
i love the way YOU smile
i love seeing old friends
i love flowers, especially white tulips
i hate people who constantly lie
i love my little sister
i love taking walks
i love jumping on my bed, it never gets old even if your about to turn 15
i want to see jack johnson in concert
i love my friends, even if I dont see them all the time
i want claire to be here, I'm bored :/
i want to go to the pool
i love gettin tan
i love going to the beach
i just love the way that person acts around me, it's cute heh
i wanna write all the time
i miss mcfadden
i wanna see cyla, my best friend in rochester
i like markers
i also love yoooou

p.s new pic :] ch-ch-check it out haha
I say, beastie boys came out with that song for one reason. it easily gets stuck into your head :/

the brian king kenobi

July 03 2005
ohio . . . that place keeps coming up everywhere . . .


July 03 2005
Im loving the picture...HAHA!!!Ight well just leavin you one..Peace. -Josh-


July 04 2005
ok, you are crazy! take care and keep smiling