Richard Minnick


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Oakland high

Favorite Movies

comedy, suspense, horror

Favorite Books

left behind series

Fine Arts Competition "ONE LIFE ONE CHANCE" poem

April 13 2006

We as Christians have a responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. While Jesus was on this earth he healed the sick and loved those who persecuted him.  One life one chance. Jesus never promised that living for him was going to be easy.  In Isaiah 53:5the bible proclaims that Jesus was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.  One life one chance.  God sent His Holy spirit to earth to be with each one of his people.  We must rely on Him to guide our hearts to be Christ-like.  Each and every person will one day be judged by God. We have One life, one chance to make a difference in someone's life.  i can only imagine what people go through on a daily bases. we as christinas have a responsibilty to share the gospel. God never promised a next breath or tomorrow, so lets cease the moment for no sorrow. What will you do to make a difference? God does care what His Children go through on a daily basis; he sticks closer than a brother. He will never leave you or forsake you. 

David Ambrose

April 13 2006
Dude Richard, the effect on those colors you chose are awesome. It looks like the words are moving to the right a little.

Melissa Tucker

April 18 2006
Hey. That poem is very powerful!! I like it alot. Good Luck.