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Favorite Books

the Bible


July 03 2005
wow!!! thats all i can really say to what God is really doin in my life!!! he has shown me soo much and tha devil has tempted me in ways but im stayin strong in his word and not fallin into temptation!!!! God is showing me what i am gonna be wanting to do in my life! everyday i look back and see tha decsions i have made in tha past couple years some have been bad and some have been good!! but God got me through all of them and he will get me through tha decsions i will be makin on my future!!! i dunno its kinda a lil scary!!!

"Watch and Pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the body is weak."
~Matthew 26:41

"Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation."
~Luke 11:4

Love through Christ!!!


July 03 2005
i love that verse from matthew

Jason Thacker

July 03 2005
I am so proud of you, Rachel!

Shannon Barron

July 03 2005
Hey I am totally praying for you. I got your back!!!! LOL!!! Or should I say Jesus has got your back!!!! God has awesome plans continue to seek His face and He will show you amazing things like He is already doing!! Romans 8:34-35 keep pressing in!!!


July 03 2005
i am not turning into a wile woman...whatever a wile woman is anyways...i assume u meant wild woman...but i'm not turning into 1 of those either...goodness...i should've spent some time teaching u how to spell & type when we were younger...haha love u sis!


July 04 2005
lol!! I told you guys before it was gonna be the same thing! WRiting 3 different entries is gonna be way tooo hard lol

Aaron Massey

July 05 2005
hey, thanks for the remark. have a great week. ; )


July 05 2005
I went to NYC and Canada on a family vacation. It was fun. well, hope you had a great Fourth of July!