
August 13 2005
no. school.
and i knew i was going to be disappointed. i knew that i would have to endure the ignorance of it nomatterwhat. damn.


chemistry hon.-rollins (mental)
german II hon.- nelson (of course!)
us hist hon..-coach collins (switch?)
geometry hon.-luckett (on speed)
eng.III hon.- dr. white. (need a toupe?)

i have three fourths of each book left.
tests. next. weeeek.
math homework?!

my head has been hurting.
thinking too much?
too much sleep?

what is your schedule?

Carly Gee

August 13 2005
french 3, clay, alg. 2 hon., eng. 3 hon., keyboarding, history. we can see each other on the way to 2nd period!.. skeet. i'm calling you soon. *hug*

Anthony Myers

August 15 2005
All our heads are pounding right now..


August 16 2005
you get ignored?!?!