i dont kow

September 15 2005
so like im done with it. its too confusing..and so yeah. i dont how im gonna do it..but i guess i am.

school is amazing...i absolutely love leslie, kle, and amy. they freakin rock my world.
Ive been seeing James a lot lately...i really miss talking to him...i shall call him tonight...hmmm..maybe

I think me and Jimmy are gonna hang out this weekend! yay..ahh finally..i havent hung out with him in sooo loong....its gonna be awesome...cuz..we are awesome together. hah.

mhm...yeah so my life is awesome. This Saturday...we are dancing at the Old Timers Day Parade...((phst. lameo)) but it might be fun...so yall need to come. end of story. 11:15 bet there....im done...i love you.
