well...i just dont know what to say..

December 01 2005

well...i guess you could says things are good. i really dont know. my main problem is obvisously a boy.  why do i waste my time?? for now, im done with boys. im gonna stop wasting my time on them and focus more on dance.  I know, i know that that sounds lame, but what can i say??

Dance to me is more important that a boy...and i dont know if that is a good thing or not?? Do i spend too much time there? Do people really hate me because i dance too much? (and as lame as that sounds, people have said that to me before.) I just dont know.

School is amazing. I got a superb progress report. and im very happy with that. My teachers seem to like me more....weird huh? well i guess thats all for now...its time for lunch...

i love you.
