Chef Wangs

March 17 2006

well...... happy st. patrticks day everyone.....

today was a good day..... half day at school...... but we had to finish the achievement tests...... ugh- other than that- it was good..... we played outside..... but during that time.... katherine, carly nicole and i organized secretly in beckys jeep (which we later realized we're not supposed to be in the cars during school) that the girls were going to go with the guys to chef wangs.... so we called carlys mom and she said that she could take us..... so that was cool- long story short.... carly katherine me nicole haley alexandra and the guys went to chef wangs..... it was awesome!!! i had alot of food...... lots of food..... and i saw- chris, clint, and bj- then i also before that saw bekas dad- so that was cool..... but they found balloons- the restaurant was giving them to the lil kids- and so everyone (well most- i didnt) got balloons and started to suck the helium out- tim was hilarious- and carly- hehehe- then nicole and i went to animal city and talked to the bird- she had fun with that- and looked at the cute lil puppies..... i want one so bad!!!! theyre dalmation lab mix- very very big- but still oh so precious!!!! yep- so im gonna go now- and yall are really slackin on the comments-- ha- so yeah- ive got softball practice tomorrow- at 11- and katherine has it at 9!!! haha- but they are two hours long on the weekends- that stinks- and its cold- so thats just horrid!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh- so im dont rambling now.....

luv yall


heres a pic of katherine with her balloon


she was very proud of her balloon- she wanted one so bad when we were eating.... she saw a bunch of lil kids walking outside with balloons and she wanted one- so she got it......

and disregard what i said before about katherine- shes cool and we're cool now..... so thats good....