God uses me in ways I never thought POSSIBLE...

October 30 2005

Judgement House this week was.. indescribable! im convinced it was like one of the most incredible experiences of my life!

91 people this week came to know Christ as their Lord and Savior!!

353 people in the past 3 years we've been doing Judgement House have come to know Christ as their Savior!!

i dont know what you think but i think thats pretty AMAZING!!!! im soo excited for all those people!

one thing... i dont think im as excited as i should be... its become just another thing and its soo much more than that... their lives will NEVER be the same! and that is soo exciting because now they can tell others the incredible truth that everyone needs to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ!!

guys im not going to lie.. someone is really burdned on my heart right now.. they went through Judgemnet House and everything but didnt make a decision and i know its not in my hands but its soo hard to watch her go day after day, knowing that if she were to die she wouldnt be celebrating with me... knowing that she would be separated from God forever and that is the most scary thought to me.. please pray..

thank you for everything! God is incredible and I'm not going to let anything make me forget that.. <33


October 30 2005
that means alot to me. Thanks Kristin :} I truly hope the same. I know you dont always get the...respect or the treatment? you deserve. they might be playin round but its not all that fun on your part...might be lookin to much into it but i know how it is.... anyways. Judgement House was pretty the amazing-ness thing next to youth camp. Had the best time and so amazing how many accepted Jesus. truly awsome.. but anyways. i'll see ya tonight then. :} will see ya -caleb


October 30 2005
no. i didnt leave real early i guess...but i was lookin for ya and couldnt find ya cause i wanted to say bye. im sorry.... : /


October 30 2005
dont worry bout it. i understand. you dont have to; but you know im here if you ever do. i have gone through quite alot. before i came to northside. sometime i can explain. but... anyways. was good seein ya :}


October 30 2005
i was fine. but thanks. i will absolutly sit with ya next time. :}


October 30 2005
i was fine. but thanks. i will absolutly sit with ya next time. :}


October 30 2005
Kristin. i hate to see when you get critized and mocked. i know how it is...it doesnt rreally make ya feel all that good and give ya much of a self esteem. and plus, how could anyone not love you :} you are amazing. thank you for that. im not good with words, and encouraging and stuff like that...so i'll leave it at that.. : / ...love ya.


October 30 2005
have a fantastic week ok? will see ya wednesday. :}


October 31 2005
i love kristen elizabeth!


November 03 2005
hey :} how was your day?


November 03 2005
it was well. Thanks :}..


November 03 2005
.. as long as i put a smile on spmebodies face for a moment :} its ok we didnt really get to talk...dont worry bout it... :/ i just hope everything will gets...fixed for you. gets better. hate to see you go through what you are. im sorry. have a good weekend :) love ya.


November 03 2005
you make my day. thanks. but i havent really done anything to be thanked for....you are an amazing friend....but enough of the sappy stuff cause im not good at that. :}. will see ya! :)