SPARK Episode 03 is Live

October 11 2005
Episode 03 is out.
Goto for more information
or for the direct MP3 download
or (iTunes 5.0 needed)

The run time is a little over 30 minutes, so give it a listen...

photo from matt

Photo Recap of Last Weekend

October 08 2005
Last weekend, I was in Murfreesboro, TN for the wedding of Chris Madison and Emily Wells... who would have thought?

Here is the photo recap:

this was the night that I got into town... with long hair (not for long)... This was the first time I had seen Rachael in about 2 months...

Clint at the Wedding... we were ushers...

Clint's photo shoot

me... with short hair... I think I am missing someone...

josh didn't know where his date was...

Joanthan and Matt: always the characters... you know, after they got out of the time machine from the 70s.

awww. i like this photo.

The weddingers and me

My sister, Sarah, and Emily and Chris

Rachael and I again. I miss her. (sad face)

And that's it! *cheers*

And as a side note... the new version of PhuseBox makes it MUCH easier to post photos like this... sweet.



October 08 2005
Well, it looks as though "Greenbox," the codename for the new version of PhuseBox, will be launching in about one week. I am going to be working hard over the next week to get everything ready.

sneak peek of the new PhuseBox homepage

Trust me, it has been worth the wait.

Two Kids Crazy About Each Other

October 01 2005

photo from rachael

Rachael and I, along with Matt, Bethany, Jonathan, and Elizabeth, went to Opry Mills tonight. We ended up eating at Johnny Rocket's, where Rachael and I ended up taking this photo and I had to post it.

How to Tie a Tie

October 01 2005
Congrats to Chris Madison and Emily Wells. They a finally getting married today. I am looking at a fun day trapped inside a tux; however, I am glad that I get to be a part of it.

If you are wondering how to tie a tie, hmmmm... . You gotta learn sometime. Luckily, my tux has one of those strap-on ties, so I will not be needed this site today.

I am off to the wedding of the year...


Back in Tennessee

September 30 2005
Well, I made the trek all the way back to my hometown of Murfreesboro last night. My flight go delayed almost 4 hours, so I was a little later than I thought I would be. It is good to see my life as it was a little over four months ago.

I will be in town until Tuesday and then head back to the big city.

The Shining Recut Trailer

September 28 2005
If anyone has seen The Shining before, this spoof trailer will give you a great laugh. If you have not seen it, you won't get it.

Press PLAY to begin.
To see this video, you must have installed.

Spark Episode 01 is Out

September 26 2005
, a few others, and I have started a new techonology podcast called . The first episode just went out. We recorded it tonight and it was a whole lot of fun.

Check out the episode by downloading it or going to the Spark website at . If you have iTunes 4.9 or 5.0, you can subscribe to the podcast feed by going to our iTunes listing .

The first episode is a little rough... I had some audio problems and ended up using a really bad mic, but give it a listen and let me know what you think. A new episode will be out next week!

photo from matt

In episode 01, we cover:

Microsoft Claims Vista Will Boot in 2-3 Seconds
Microsoft Plans to Sell Search Ads of Its Own
Virus Battery
Movie Record's Cost: Superman Returns
Motorola CEO: 'Screw the nano'
Labels hit back at Apple, now want share of iPod revenues

Send Us Your Feedback and Comments:

The 15-Minute Sleep Curse

September 25 2005
I have trouble sleeping. End of story. Usually, it takes a good while for me to actually get to sleep after going to bed. That's okay. I have learned to cope with this, however, occationally, I will fall asleep for about 15 minutes and then suddenly wake up. This is when I know I am doomed. I then spend the next 4 hours trying to go to sleep, listening to music, trying to go to sleep again, turning on infomercials on television, trying to go to sleep yet again, listening to a podcasts, and finally, after my body just cannot stay awake any more, I will finally fall asleep.

This situation is where I sit right now. I went to bed several hours ago and fell asleep for 15 minutes and woke up and now it is 4:30 am and I am still not able to sleep. Looks like I will be sleeping all Sunday afternoon... hmm.

NUMB3RS: Season Two

September 23 2005

Ok, so since I was a small, girl-fearing kid, I have had a fascination with math. I would work with little puzzles and such as a pastime. I even got a visitor to our house one night to explain long division to me several years before I first got a taste of it in school. I guess it always interested me... how you could "play" with numbers and come out with answers that explain certain properties of our world...

So, in high school, I took advanced math classes and even memorized a string of digits from pi in my boredom during one of my classes. Despite not being focused on lectures, I was fascinated by how numbers could really explain everything in nature, and it even helped me grasp a better understanding of God... with all the order in chaos (simple chaos theory) and all the probabilities that can only point to an intelligent creator. Whether it is the finbonacci sequence found everywhere in nature to the simple, yet profound, pobability theory that stares evolution into its own "survival of the fittest," math is what operates our world.

All this to say, one of my favorite series on television is NUMB3RS. If you have not seen the show, or are bored easily by mathmatics and number theory, basically, this mathematician solves FBI crimes based on some theory of mathematics. It is very intriguing.

The second season debuted tonight and it was great. I have been looking forward to this new season ever since the last episode last season, but at last, it is here. I will now be spending my Friday nights in front of a television tuned to CBS (or record it on my ReplayTV and watch it at my leisure)...

If you have not yet seen it, you really should at least give it a chance. It comes on at 10 PM EST on CBS Friday nights.

Greenbox Sneak Peak

September 18 2005

As most of the people that read my posts know, the next version of PhuseBox (codenamed "Greenbox") has been in the works for a few months now. We are nearing completion for Greenbox and it will be launching soon.

Along with a brand new look and feel, the site will be packed full of new features and more intuitive ways to share information and find people. We are excited to launch this new version. (And to clear up any confusion, "greenbox" is simply a codename for the project, the site name will remain "PhuseBox" and all of your information will remain the same and transfer over to the newly designed site).

Here is a sneak peak of what the new homepage will look like when the new version of PhuseBox comes out:

Thanks once again for helping populate PhuseBox and making it what it is.



September 16 2005
If you have an and use it while you run or work out, check out JogTunes. This website has user-submitted playlists specifically designed to pace your workout. Very cool. Too bad I do not run unless I have a barking dog running after me...

The Gallery Church

September 15 2005
Wednesday night marked the first official meeting/Bible study for the Gallery Church of Manhattan. And, you know, we had to take a group photo:

Aaron and Carmen Coe, Maria Haun, Me, Stan Thomas, Ellie Lancaster, and Paul

So How Much Would You Pay?

September 14 2005
How much would you pay for the NES game "NINTENDO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 1990." $10? a gum wrapper and that rubber band around your wrist? Currently, this game cartridge is going for $5,700 on eBay... Wow... Make me want to go through my old video game collection... drat. just all the Mario Bros. games...

PhuseBox Servers Down

September 12 2005
PhuseBox User,

If you tried to access the PhuseBox site on
September 12, 2005, you may have found that the site was down. Our
servers for PhuseBox were taken down as a massive power outage occurred
in Los Angeles, CA. PhuseBox, along with several other major websites,
were unavailable as a result.

The PhuseBox staff apologizes for
any inconvenience this may have caused. Hopefully, something of this
nature will not bring down our servers in the future.

Thanks again for making PhuseBox a great site!

Nathan Moore
founder of

9/11 4 Years Later

September 11 2005
So, tonight, I decided to walk down to Ground Zero since it is the four year anniversary of the day that changed America. Four years ago, I would have never guessed that I would be walking right next to where those buildings stood.

The mood on that block tonight was unreal, almost eerie. As and family came to place flowers in memory of their loved ones, others just stood in awe. There were so many candles lit, each representing some person's life that was taken that day. Unbelievable. It is strange how tonight, it was if no one was able to hold their New Yorker face on. No one was able to "not care." It was impossible.

I decided to take my camera along to report back to PhuseBox, so here is the recap:

The light towers behind Trinity Church

So Where is the Coldplay Concert Review?

September 10 2005

So, I usually recap events that I go to for the PhuseBox community. My site has been lacking the Coldplay concert recap for several days now. This is mainly because I did not have very many photos until Susan uploaded some... So here it is.

The concert was AMAZING. I do not think too many things can top a Coldplay concert in New York City at Madison Square Garden ("the garden" in nyc slang). I am still debating whether this concert beats out the Something Corporate concert at RCKTWN as the best concert I have ever been to... The visuals were unbelievable... super-widescreen with visual effects during the whole concert. awesome.

night recap:
joshua tree (46th st.) for dinner (where else on concert night?) with ellie, maria, susan, and meredith.
coldplay concert at madison square garden: i sat with lane, jordan, and susan. we had separate tickets from the rest of the gang.
starbucks in times square: fantastic post-concert snack.

so here is the dark room recap:

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

end red-light glare.

I love this city.

Coldplay at Madison Square Garden

September 07 2005
So, I currently getting ready to goto the Coldplay concert at Madison Square Garden tonight. What? Coldplay? At Madison Square Garden? Is the MY life? I love this city.