So Where is the Coldplay Concert Review?

September 10 2005

So, I usually recap events that I go to for the PhuseBox community. My site has been lacking the Coldplay concert recap for several days now. This is mainly because I did not have very many photos until Susan uploaded some... So here it is.

The concert was AMAZING. I do not think too many things can top a Coldplay concert in New York City at Madison Square Garden ("the garden" in nyc slang). I am still debating whether this concert beats out the Something Corporate concert at RCKTWN as the best concert I have ever been to... The visuals were unbelievable... super-widescreen with visual effects during the whole concert. awesome.

night recap:
joshua tree (46th st.) for dinner (where else on concert night?) with ellie, maria, susan, and meredith.
coldplay concert at madison square garden: i sat with lane, jordan, and susan. we had separate tickets from the rest of the gang.
starbucks in times square: fantastic post-concert snack.

so here is the dark room recap:

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

end red-light glare.

I love this city.

BriTtaNy GriMm3tT

September 10 2005
i want a pretty background and MUSIC!


September 11 2005
those pictures are awesome ... i cant wait to see them in concert.... so it was a good concert .i have never seen them in concert