School... UGH!!

January 09 2006

So today is the first day of class...and I'm pretty sure that I don't have any desire to actually go. 
But I will, of course, because if I don't I will be stoned by an angry mob or something like that ( I think that's what it says in the Student Handbook).  It's kinda weird...normally I am excited about starting new classes, usually only because I've run out of things to do during break and I'm in need of something different in order to break up the monotony of sitting around at my house...or if not excited, I am at least ready for class. This semester, however, I am in a slump. I am not really looking forward to any class, and that makes me nervous because it will add to my already thriving temptation to skip them.  Oh well, maybe they won't be as bad as I am imagining them to be...I guess I should go find out...

Peace, Peace... Holla, Holla, Holla

(I don't really know what that means, but a friend of mine always says it and it sounds cool so...there you go)                            

Hello 2006!!

January 01 2006
Well, It is the first day of a new year and the first time that I have ever posted a blog entry.  I always said that I never would start a blog because I thought that it was a bit pretentious to imagine that anyone really cared what I was doing from day to day, but I really like this community and have admittedly been wanting to write for some time.  Besides what better time than the very beginning of a new year to take on new endeavors and make new friends!!  Well that's all I got for my first post!! Later...