Hrmm.... haven

April 20 2006

My birthday has passed...... im 18! yayayayayyayayaya!

Geez kids! why didn't you let me know how long its been since i've updated...... but guess what.... after friday..... we have only 3 weeks of school........   and...... next week is senior week!   hrmm... what have yahl been up to?     lub yahl!


coming home!

March 20 2006

so sometime within the next couple of hours, we will be leaving the mounatins of west virginia and come home! I miss home (sadly) I won't be home in time for school tomorrow, but i will be home for work (YAY :-( ) and I'll have to go to middle's library and work on the research paper! ahhh.....

yea so dad's not as upset about me goin into airforce as i thought he would be!

Yay for the weekend!

March 17 2006
Ok so yea, I know i'm a nerd, but hey, someone has to do it! haha! But TGIF!~!!!!!! I'm goin outta town tonight, how exciting! (well besides the fact its for my g-parents 60th wedding anniversary, but I'm happy for them!) Won't come back till monday night or tuesday morning!  then next friday is SENIOR SKIP DAY!!!! so i have a whole 2 days to attend school next week! Can't wait!   GUESS WHAT GUYS.... 23 days, I'll be 18!


March 15 2006

Today I'm mucho confused! -relationships?-life?-future?-career?-airforce?-basketball?-

need to stop worrying about everything! my birthday is in like 3 weeks, and i should be looking foward to it!

I'm goin into the Air Force, should be looking foward to that too! Well i'm stoked about it, but just confused right now!  :-(




February 15 2006

So school is going well, but we graduate in like 3 mons!!!! I'm kinda gettin tired of comin..... work is ok... its work, what else is there to say about that? Friends are good, and wow.... at like 9:30 last night, I had a valentine! YAY! (don't ask!)   I was sick all week last week, and had to miss school on thursday, leave early friday! But I'm all better now.... another short week for me too, we got out monday, and 1/2 day on friday! YAY!!!!  but I will come back and write more for you.... love you guys!!!!!      mj*


January 05 2006

Well kiddos, there are only 88ish days left till graduation... and I can't wait.... I also can't wait till I turn 18.... I want to move out sooo bad! My parents are gettin on my last nerves!  But yea, work is going ok, waitin on some calls about getting a job, cici's isn't cuttin it, too much stress...... school is good, enjoy all my classes, and the people in it.... friends are ok.... i end up playin dr.phil way tooo much tho, but its cool too..... i had a good christmas, good new year, and kinda sorta datin someone, not sure how long thats goin to work tho..... anyway, I'm gonna pay attention to class (maybe) yahl have a great week!  (I better see yahl at the shs-ohs game!)


Christmas is coming!!!!

December 12 2005

Yay.... 14 days till Christmas...... YAYAYAYAY!  so yea..... get paid today... go shopping tomorrow! ;-)   Exams this week..... not fun..... but hey, that means 1/2 the senior year will be OVER!.... ok... im just talking just to waste time..... ill talk to yahl later!



December 05 2005
ahh... it needs to snow now.... im tired of school.... im also tired of work... which i work tonight... im bout to try and find another job for myself.......  but yea, didn't do much this weekend... guess ill talk to yahl later

Rainy Day

November 28 2005
Blah.... its raining like crazy! But should be a slow night at work... which is good, I had a horrible night last night! But yea, here soon angie and i should be making our way to work and get our paycheck... YAY!!!!   Yahl have a good day now kids!

kaos shopping....

November 25 2005

today I wen to go shopping with my COUSIN  aunt  & g-ma  was fun... we ate breakfast, shopped at a few stores then randomly the whole town was all in one store! haha... i got my mom's christmas present out of the way.... just a few more to go.....   I'm coming home in tomorrow pm.... then by the time we get back on sunday, i'll have to work.... 

Wow... Fat belly!

November 24 2005

Hey guies... just got done eatting my SECOND thanksgiving meal.... went to my fathers house, then with my grandparents.... next is to my other g-ma's in like an hour! I'm gonna be soo fat when i get home!   We got to play in snow last night! Its starting to snow again right now.... hope yahl have a great Day!!!!