silly kids!!!!!

July 28 2005
school starts soon..hehe, we'll see how that goes!!! lol! ....but dance starts sooner and i'm really excited about that, because even though i dred going every morning, it always seems to surprise me how much fun i have....
the girl in the pic is my bestest friend!! i love you mallory!!
i'll leave you with this...

as we grow up we learn that even the one
person that wasn't supposed to ever let you
down probably will. you will have your heart
broken more than once and its harder every
time. you'll break hearts too so ( remember )
how is felt when yours was broken. you'll
fight with your bestfriend. you'll blame a new
love for something an old one did you'll cry
because time is going by too fast and you'll
eventually lose someone you love, so take `
too many pictures laugh too much and love
like you've never been hurt because every
60 seconds you spend upset is a minute - -
of happiness you'll never get back ;; . .