
March 13 2007

So here's my thought at the moment.......yep.......just one.  You can't expect more than one at 4:41 a.m.  Anyway.....here it is:

Papers are poo and I don't like them
Especially when there are more than one
All sort of due on the same day
It's very sad
But coke icee things are happy
and cold
and now I'm going to bed.

That was a longer thought that I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was just going to be papers are poo.  Here's a fun Erin picture!!

Erin Nowak

March 13 2007
Are you sure that's me? I thought that was you...

Erin Nowak

March 14 2007
Ok...it's me. I see my mole/beauty mark. My nostrels are uneven. FUN!