
September 08 2005
So... does anyone else notice the subtle change of air quality lately? It's been this way since around the time Katrina came through. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's still wicked hot but I think the air has gotten crisper. I notice this at night when it actually gets a little chilly when the breeze blows by and how the car actually cools off if I roll the windows down while driving. It's hot, but when the air moves it's actually cool.

This excites me to no end! Fall is my FAVORITE season. I think it is so beautiful- the sunsets are more purple than red, the trees become a rainbow of colors and things just seem a bit more cozy. It makes me think of great childhood memories. Even if this change isn't temporary just yet, the taste of the coming season has me in a very good mood. :)

I might also associate Fall with beginnings instead of endings like is traditional. I think it's how our society is set up as Americans- especially those of us in school. Our year starts at the close of summer and ends at the beginning of the next summer. I've never liked summer for that reason, I think. It represents change to me. AND as a hardcore Taurus (lol) I am not a personality that appreciates permanent change. I actually like changes such as someone visiting, going on vacation and doing something odd as long as when I get done doing whatever it is I can come back to the life I left behind.

Wow... just realized that I won't be going back to the same Picayune that I left. Really makes me upset. So...

I'm going to move and end the rambling. LOL Peace out.


September 08 2005
fall is also my favorite season. and yes, i have noticed the difference in the air. i first noticed it sunday morning before church. i did feel it, but what i noticed most was the smell. i smelled fall, and it made my heart happy. not only is fall great, but it is the season of my favorite holiday...halloween!! yay for costume holidays!


September 13 2005
I noticed last night, when I ran at the track. The cooler air makes it possible to complete the run. The heat can be a killer. Me favorite season is probably winter though; I like it cold, and the way that people dress...all bundled up and such. Especially girls. It's good to see girls all bundled up; makes you just wanna love on them.