Worship and Thankfulness

November 19 2005

In the spirit of all things "Turkey-day"  . . .

I am thankful for:
My dear Savior!  For his death and resurrection; his taking my place on that scorned tree, 2000 years ago.  For the security of my place in eternity.

My precious husband! He's so supportive of our family.  He encourages me to be the best wife and mommy I can possibly be.  We make many sacrafices so that I may stay home and raise our son and I'm very grateful!!!

Our wonderful son! I'm most thankful for his health and personality.  He's such a gracious child.  I pray he will grow to be a young man humbled by the power of God.

The Freedom we have in this country to worship freely, in spirit and in truth.  (John 4)

Matt Beck

November 19 2005
Allison, Natalie, Aunt Joyce and myself are all watching a movie right now. I'm sitting here with my laptop and just saw you updated your phusebox. Hope you're having a great day.