
July 03 2005
Last night was like sooooo totally fun!!!!!!! I spent the night with my " cousin " and she's only like 10 but we have the best times!!!! We walked around for awhile then we went to her friend Beth's house......and we sat off fireworks!!!!!! It was coolio!!!!!!! Well then we went back to her house and did Roman Candles and some other kind!!!! lol!!!!!! Oh we did Bottle-Rockets too!!!!!!! And sparklers!!!!! lol!!!!! After we sat off fireworks it was like 10:00!!!! So we decided to stay up with her uncle and prank call like everyone we could think of!!!!! It was sooo funny!!!! Especially when this dude answered the phone (( his name was Gloria!!!! )) lol!!!!!Well I have 26 friends and I think I only know like three of them!!!!! lol!!!!!! I am soo hyper!!!! But like i'm like this all the time and didn't realized it until last night!!!!! lol!!!!! Well I am going to go!!!! ttyl!!!!!!!

Big Will

July 03 2005
wow, i do remeber you.....yea, your totally crispy cool peace


July 05 2005
hey hey whats up well ya i had an alright 4th of jul it would have been better if i was with my riends and not my famile lol but o well who cares and under aim on your profile is that rly your screen name jw ttyl bye