Stephen Slate


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soccer, football, friends

Favorite Books

Eragon, Eldest


November 29 2006
So I just got back from the Disturbed's Music as a Weapon Tour show at the was freaking amazing......people remember how happy I was after Buzz Fest.....Its like 100 times that because I got to hear bands that are completely amazing.......the bands there were of course Disturbed, Stonesour, Flyleaf (whom I don't like personally) and Nonpoint......but yea it was an amazing concert and once again I am worn out from headbanging and screaming my lungs out.......but yea I am off to bed now cause that concert was so great I just want to go to sleep and dream about how great it will be next year since every band (except Flyleaf) said they wanted to come back next yea I will catch you all later......if you made it leave a comment telling what you thought about it......if not then too bad for you......sorry you couldn't make it it was amazing.....peace out much love bye bye

Brandon Ray

November 29 2006
It was great!!! They are an amazing band, one of my favorites!