So I completely forgot Phusebox existed

December 04 2006

Until now...

How active are my friends?  I sure haven't been, but this semester has been by far the busiest semester thus far in school/life.


I'v got a great girlfriend, Chelsea...

The teg is down, and awaiting a JDM front, Killer alarm + numerous layers of security.  There is also a strong possibility that it will no longer remain at my house, but in a garage safe and sound.  Motor plans don't exist right now, but I don't have the money anyway.

Expo 7 is a go!

School sucks, but if it wasn't hard it wouldn't be worth doing.  I can't wait to get out.  Hang in there!



Rachael Moore

December 05 2006
ugh i am sorry you are so busy! i hope that everything is going very well for you! it is good to hear from you! i hope you have a great night!