

hey hey

March 09 2006
well, just wanted to write a blog...was a little bored. I'm in school right now. BALDWIN HIGH ROCKS!!! yep...i'm a baldwin high baby... =)

well, just wanted to give you a very quick update on my life...

IT SUCKS!!!! heehee..

sucks major. so much problems. AHHH! help me God.

please? =(

well, just wanted to say a hello to all my phusebox fwends.
luv yoo all so much!




March 09 2006
go straight to god with your always...but when your alone though like when your doin homework,or when zoning out or even in the shower...hey it works and the best part is god keeps secrets yeah... and whats up with the baldwin high rocks...cmon its all about maui high