April 07 2006

my life can now return to semi-normal!!! i've been in a black whole for the past couple of weeks it seems! between learning blocking for opera (but never getting to run through it), SAI initiation, singing in a wedding, and trying to keep my voice healthy, i have been going bonkers! but it is now all over! (well, most of it anyway) i know have to catch up on all my voice lesson stuff that i rejected these past couple of weeks and SAI province day tomorrow. (oh yeah, and did i mention KD wing fling and SAI province day are the same day? yeah...) but sadly enough, i have no money so i can't really go out and do anything  donations are gladly accepted tho!!  

so onto the opera! it went fantastically!!! i have pictures, but i can't post them right now cuz i'm at work...they're of the last dress rehearsal (which i wasn't in) and then pictures of me and some of the cast from last night. it was a blast and a real experience to be the lead in a 2 and 1/2 hr opera!! i was the center of attention!  anyways, just thought i'd update on my life since it's been awhile. so call me now people!!


April 07 2006
i'll be seeing the opera tonight!!! i can't wait!

Cari Jennings

April 07 2006
wow. i went to see the opera last night, and let me tell you, you were amazing. you made me want to do that when i get to college. wow.

Meagan Wright

April 08 2006
Congrats on surviving it all. I've heard nothing but raves! So now that things are back to normal, we've GOT To get together. What do your Friday mornings look like? Myself and Lawanna are both off that day and would like to make a trip to David's Bridal with you if you could. Anyway let me know darling.


April 17 2006
ya for semi-normal. boo for your mean comments on my football pic. haha. :D