Blake Haley


Relationship Status


After this morning...I understand why the tortoise won instead of the hare.

July 11 2005
I was nearly maimed by a giant turtle in my front yard just a few seconds ago...he was crouching in my front lawn so I thought that I would move him to the backyard where he would be more comfortable. When I walked up he immediately went into defense mode...I guess I scared him or something? I began to walk around him to pick him up when he spastically turned my direction causing me to jump back and let out a yelp. I then grabbed a nearby branch and poked him to test his reflexes...and he jumped in the air...yes, I kid you not...he jumped! This sent me once again yelping in the air. Needless to say, I left him alone after that. I guess turtles need there alone time as well.

Nathan Moore

July 11 2005
That's a GREAT story!


July 26 2005
I LOVE that picture!! you are just so pretty!!!


July 26 2005
im back btw