My Gentleman, My God.

June 03 2008

So I have been reading some things that people before me have said and I have come to the conclusion that:

God is a complete gentleman.

We keep telling him to get out of our schools, our government, and our lives. So when we did so he, being the gentleman that he is, he backe dout quitely, with ofcourse, christians such as myself and many others fighting for him. Now people tend to wonder how God could let something so horrible as Katrina, or the Attacks on September 11, 2001 happen; Then I must ask you how can someone that we have pushed out defend us? Or why would he? 

It is not unlike our police officers standing outside of a building that has a bomb in it. They know it will expload soon but you come barging in there. You fight the officers and kill one, the rest back off. You go in the building with the police officers screaming to get out. You don't. The can do nothing else when the bomb is set off. I belive that relates very much to God and our country's current position on him.

What are your thoughts? Agree or think it is asinine? 


June 03 2008
I agree. It's really sad because so many people believe in the idea of a 'nice' god that does things for you when you ask him to. When something bad happens though, they blame the 'mean' god. So many people just don't have a personal relationship with our God. They just think of Him as a thing,so they just don't get it.

♥ eyes...♥

June 04 2008
this is good i agree

Tyler Lowery

June 04 2008
i was once told that many people think of God as santa clause or a vending machine they tell him what the want and he gives it to them


June 04 2008
yeah God is defently not a whore

Kaelynn Malugin

June 04 2008
you're talented.