Curse You Finger, Curse You Blessed Revolver.

June 03 2008

I have done nothing but load my weapon since I have been here.

No fighting, until now, I continue to threaten.

Now my gun is loaded and I have it raised against your forehead.

I stare you in the straight in the eyes


My finger is meer milimeters away from pulling the triger

The hammer already pulled.

Curse you finger, Curse you blessed Revolver.

You have never failed me before in past conflicts.

Now the curse of past kills has come to haunt the one who has raised it.

I have prepared everyday of my life for something that I will never be ready for.

I have fought a thousand times never before have a fought in anger. I pray to god that this cloud of hate for my enemy is lifted so that I may see clearly enough to aim.

Now my gun is loaded and I have it raised against you forehead.

I stare you straight in the eyes


My finger is meer milimeters away from pulling the triger

The hammer is already pulled.

Curse you finger, Curse you blessed Revovler

Now the curse of past kills has come to haunt the one who has raised it.