Talking to a friend.

March 06 2008
Pretty Pointless and not that worth your time. God and I have had a kind of weird relationship. I am not completly sure where I am at with him all the time. I am not talking about if I am saved or not but just who he is and who I am. I never mention God much at all during the day and I am fine with that. I don't call myself christian, because I hate most christians. They are so frigging judgemetnal, hypocritical, fake, and liars. The best part about it is that they don't even notice it. I know i just describbed a lot of my christian friends. But any way this is not a rant. God and I have just kinda been like two really good friends that grew apart. We talk about hanging out more but then I just blow it off. Truth is I didn't care all that much. Now I see and understand that God wasn't just wasting air when he said "hey lets get together some time." It took a lot of pain to realize that. Now I am being pushed to be this leader that I know I can be and I now understand why God wanted to hang out more. God has this certain will that WILL get done. I realized that he will try to prepare you for what is going to happen but if you don't listen you will have to prepare yourself, because it is going to happen. Before and really still, I won't talk about God. I know that I am not really at the place to be a representative to him, not yet. I have been changing like crazy to get there. Ya know I learned that it is not good at all to be a different person in different places. A lot of you who see me at school know that I am not the same at school. I say a lot of things I would not normallly say but that is what God has really been working with me about. With a little more work and sweat I will be the man God wants me to be.

Erin:: lub my flower.

March 06 2008
Im proud of you & i've said a lot , but i cant emphasize it enough! You're growing! :)

♥ eyes...♥

March 06 2008
i think it's funny how you are criticizing christians for being judgmental, but by saying that, you are being both hypocritical and judgemental. but this is really good and true and it's sad that most christians are like that....but not all of them!

Erin:: lub my flower.

March 06 2008
yea, i hate stereotyping,too.... he is stereotyping but not neccassarily judging.... its more stating... you know its hard not to sterotype Christians that way, because thats what "WE" are... but i'd like to change that.. i dont want a title that names me judgemental, fake & ect... sorry for my babbling but yea.


March 06 2008
I agree with both of you though I don't think I am judging. I am saying the way I feel about a certain thing. Well I suppose in a way that is judging. When people ask me if I am christian because of that fact I am ashamed to say that i am. I say that i am a member of The Way. Right after Christ died there were a group of believers that just believed in the basics and weren't into all the mess that is now christianity. and I explain that to them...but another story for another day...or a later blog today...